Blind or vision impaired

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Updates on Google Chrome OS and screen reader support


The Google Chrome blog has reported improved third-party screen reader support in the latest version of the Google Chrome operating system (beta), and according to a tweet by a Google research scientist, developers may soon have access to Google Chrome’s screen reader, ChromeVox.

The Google Chrome blog post lists a number of changes to the latest version of Google Chrome operating system (Beta), including preliminary support for popular screen readers JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver.

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BBC asks the question: are colourblind gamers left out?


With one in twenty men and one in two hundred women suffering from some form of colour blindness, a reporter for the BBC has asked the question: are colourblind gamers left out?

The BBC Technology article on gaming for those who are colourblind talks about the difficulties people who are colourblind have when playing mainstream games. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a prime example of colour being used solely to convey information. In multiplayer mode, teammates are identified by green tags above their heads while enemies have red tags, making it particularly difficult, if not impossible, for people who are colourblind to easily recognise friend from foe.

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iPhone app ZoomReader provides cost effective alternative to more expensive devices


The new iPhone app ZoomReader enables people who are blind or vision impaired to use their iPhone to convert images taken with their iPhone into text, and at a much more affordable cost than specialised devices with similar kinds of features.

Ai Squared, creators of screen magnification software for people who are vision impaired, including the highly popular screen reader and magnifier software ZoomText, developed ZoomReader after iPhone became the smartphone of choice for the blind and vision impaired community.

Here is how the app works:

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