TV & video
UK regulator releases access requirements for 2016
UK disability advocates release roadmap for VOD accessibility
ACMA releases caption compliance reports for 2013-2014
The report for free-to-air compliance found that all 51 commercial stations and SBS met their captioning target for the year, which was to caption 95 per cent of programs on their primary channels between 6 am and midnight. The ABC fell one per cent below its target, due to the fact that only one hour of its music program
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UK regulator releases caption quality report
Ofcom commenced its caption quality measurement project in in 2013, and the first two reports were published in 2014. The reports are based on samples of news and entertainment programs broadcast by the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky.
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NZ increases funding for captioning and audio description
Digital Accessibility Services
Digital TV regulation submissions released
Media Access Australia’s submission to the review makes four key recommendations:
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Report on the state of captioning in Europe released
Why does Netflix’s accessible offering hit Presto and Stan for six?
Was this event unfortunate timing for those of us who wanted publicity for the new iview service or the shape of things to come?
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