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Windows accessibility

Windows 10 and older versions (like Windows 8.1 and Windows 7) contain many accessibility features which can make computers easier and more comfortable to use.

Read the guide to Windows accessibility.

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iOS8 with apps icons for Calendar, Photos, Camera, Weather, Videos, Notes, Reminders, Stocks, App store, iBooks and Health

All about iOS

Here's our list of accessibility features available in the latest version of iOS, Apple's operating system for the iPhone and iPad.

Check out the iOS accessibility feature list.

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Screenshot from the video game 'Fez'

Get your game on

Love games? We have a list of accessible gaming resources, mainstream gaming options and info for developers on making inclusive games.

Visit the page for accessible gaming.

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Latest Digital Technology News

  • The CNIB, Canada’s National Institute for the Blind, is turning to a combination of inclusive design and the latest technology to transform a small but popular section of one of Toronto’s busiest streets, into that country’s most accessible precinct, where blind and vision-impaired people can navigate easily and interact independently.

  • The revolutionary new Seeing AI app has evolved from a long-running Microsoft research project for people with visual impairment to narrate the world around us. It turns the visual world into an audible experience, so that users can essentially use their phone as their eyes.

  • While the Government’s recent recommitment to support the National Relay Service (NRS) is welcomed, there are fears that services will have to be cut. This is because the Government will have NRS funding capped at the 2012 level of $20 million (ex GST) per year, rather than a user-need model, and this will lead to less people being able to access and use this service.

  • Apple’s big conference in California, the 2017 Apple Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), attracted a host of brilliant minds representing many diverse perspectives, passions, and talents, with the mega tech company stating that it’s still focussed on helping change the world for the better and announcing a range of hugely anticipated product enhancements and extensions.

  • 1 in 6 Australians are affected by hearing loss including around 30,000 Deaf Auslan users with total hearing loss, according to the Australian Network on Disability (AND). On a global scale, the World Health Organization puts the total number of those with disabling hearing loss at about 360 million people, so it’s no wonder more Startups are springing up to help.

  • Tuesday, 28 March 2017
    Latest tech releases from Apple

    Apple has announced a new iOS 10.3 update, some updates to iPad, iPhone and their Apple Watch, plus they have launched a new app called ‘Clips’ which makes it possible for pretty much everyone to create quick and fun videos on an iPhone and iPad.

  • Accessible Arts in partnership with the City of Sydney launched the new Accessing Sydney Collectively (ASYD.CO) knowledge exchange partnership program on 8 March 2017, as part of the Sydney Access and Inclusion Campaign.

Digital technology

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