The ruling, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance (U.S. Airports), states that “airport operators will be required to enable or ensure high-contrast captioning at all times on televisions and other audio-visual displays capable of displaying captions located in any gate area, ticketing area, first-class or other passenger lounge provided by a U.S. or foreign carrier, or any common area of the terminal to which passengers have access. In the case of televisions and other audio-visual displays located in space leased by a shop or restaurant, the airport operator is obligated to ensure by contract or other means that the shop or restaurant enables the captioning feature on its televisions and other audio-visual displays in a manner that meets this obligation.”
The ruling will come into effect on 5 October 2015, and airport operators will have 30 days to implement it.
You may also like:
- Information on Australian goverment access policies
- The policy and expectations page for more information on required levels of captioning on Australian TV and what to expect
- Everything you need to know about international access regulation
- Our comprehensive list of Australian and international captioning, audio description and transcription suppliers
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