Live captioning bonanza captured by ACMA
Digital Gap Initiative invites you to Parliament
Apple to provide accessibility support around NDIS conference
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The seminar will feature products such as the iPhone and iPad, and will cover options for vision, hearing, motor and cognitive disabilities. In addition to this, every Apple store in Australia will be running an accessibility workshop on Saturday 31 October at 9:30am.
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Yahoo streams captioned NFL to the world
Video on demand access builds up
New Zealand Deaf community takes Sky to Commission over lack of captions
Audio described performance of Next to Normal rock musical in Perth
Blind Citizens Australia wraps up successful convention in Perth
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Much of the focus related to the 40th anniversary of BCA with presentations and discussions relating to how products and services for people who are blind or vision impaired have progressed over that time, current issues both locally and internationally, and the significance of BCA in the future.
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