Empathy and the accessible web experience
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Empathy training and developing emotional intelligence are gaining in popularity as ways to better understand customers, improve collaboration with colleagues and to develop better leaders.
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#CSUN15 wrap up
NVDA 2015.1 screen reader released: hands-on first impressions
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While not a proficient screen reader user, I find it useful from time to time when trying to read web pages, documents and emails which are text-heavy, so I was interested to take the new version of NVDA for a spin on my Windows 8.1 machine.
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iPads, and improved access to education
Inclusive design and improving access for people with visual impairments
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Rachel Hewett, Research Fellow at the Visual Impairment Centre for Teaching and Research, School of Education, University of Birmingham, is researching whether a greater focus on inclusive design might help improve access to information, and so improve access to employment, education and training.
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